Vectors ~~~~~~~ proc:vector-copy[args="vector",result="vector"] Returns a shallow copy of its argument. _Operations on vector-like structures_ proctempl:vector-like?[args="object",result="boolean"] proctempl:vector-like-length[args="vector-like",result="fixnum"] proctempl:vector-like-ref[args="vector-like k",result="object"] proctempl:vector-like-set![args="vector-like k object",result="unspecified"] A vector-like structure is a low-level representation for indexed arrays of Scheme objects. Vector-like structures are used to represent types such as vectors, records, symbols, and ports. There is no way to construct a "generic" vector-like structure; use the constructors for specific data types. The vector-like operations operate on all vector-like structures. All are integrable. All are deprecated because they violate abstraction barriers and make your code representation-dependent; they are useful mainly to Larceny developers, who might otherwise be tempted to write some low-level operations in C or assembly language.