Operating System Interface ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ proc:command-line-arguments[args="",result="vector"] Returns a vector of strings: the arguments supplied to the program by the user or the operating system. proc:dump-heap[args="filename procedure",result="unspecified"] Dump a heap image to the named file that will start up with the supplied procedure. Before _procedure_ is called, command line arguments will be parsed and any init procedures registered with `add-init-procedure!` will be called. _Note: Currently, heap dumping is only available with the stop-and-copy collector (`-stopcopy` command line option), although the heap image can be used with all the other collectors._ proc:dump-interactive-heap[args="filename",result="unspecified"] Dump a heap image to the named file that will start up with the standard read-eval-print loop. Before the read-eval-print loop is called, command line arguments will be parsed and any init procedures registered with `add-init-procedure!` will be called. _Note: Currently, heap dumping is only available with the stop-and-copy collector (`-stopcopy` command line option), although the heap image can be used with all the other collectors._ proc:getenv[args="key",result="string or #f"] Returns the operating system environment mapping for the string _key_, or `#f` if there is no mapping for _key_. proc:system[args="command",result="status"] Send the _command_ to the operating system's command processor and return the command's exit status, if any. On Unix, _command_ is a string and _status_ is an exact integer.